
Here you will find the most experienced, exciting and creative dancers in the country. We also like to think that, including the bartenders, we have the friendliest people of any milonga in the country. At 720 we continue to study with the many visiting and resident world class Tango Teachers; in addition, we mentor, encourage and educate the new and beginning dancers. If you are a first timer to our club, you are new to partner dancing or you are coming from a swing or salsa background, this etiquette guide will help to ensure that your first and continuing experiences at Tango will be pleasant.

Tango dancers are a family. As in all families, some are great and you love to be around them, while other family members are dysfunctional but you have to visit them anyway. So it goes with Tango. Welcome to the Family.


Guys’ Issues:

Issue #1: “I don’t have a partner. How can I practice and get better as a dancer?”

Issue #2: “I bump into people as I go around the floor.”

Issue #3: “How do I ask a woman to dance?”

Issue #4: “How do I ask a woman to dance when a couple is in involved?”



Women’s Issues:

Issue #1: “May I, Should I, Can I, ask a man to dance?”

Issue #2: “How do I ask a man when he’s the other half of a couple?”



Legitimate reasons for women refusing to dance:

1. You are tired, not feeling well or in need of a restroom break. (Though most men will understand, some may interpret the above reasons as a personal rejection and they might not ask you to dance ever again.)

2. The man who asks you to dance may have had too much to drink.

3. The man who asks you to dance touches you inappropriately or makes suggestive sexual remarks while on the dance floor.

4. You are subjected to a lesson on the dance floor, he chatters constantly through the entire song or treats the dance with you as his private performance, not giving you the opportunity to contribute creatively.



Legitimate reasons for men refusing to dance:

1. The woman typically does not follow or she counter leads.

2. During the dance, the woman is always complaining that you are using too much force or that holding her too tightly or manhandling her.

3. The woman has a poor sense of balance, leans too heavily on you and doesn’t display good follower’s techniques.

4. The woman gives a reason for not dancing; however, minutes later, she dances with other individuals.

5. The woman who asks you to dance may have had too much to drink.



General Issues: Male/Female

1. What to say if you don’t like the music.

2. What to do when you postpone or delay a dance with a person.

3. What to say when you have to leave and dance a particular song with the person you came with, while dancing a tanda with someone else. (A tanda is a group of four or five songs grouped by orchestra and in Argentina it is considered polite to dance the complete tanda with your partner; in the U.S., there are a number of factors which at times make this impractical.)

4. What do I say when presenting a dance card?



Argentine Tango is both social and intimate in nature. As obvious as this statement is, the simple basics become one of the most overlooked problems for both leaders & followers alike. Many people that don't smoke usually gag when they embrace a partner that does smoke, smelling the stale tobacco stench on their breath, clothing, and in their hair 5 feet away. The same is true when we dance or socialize or attempt to enjoy the company of dancers with poor hygiene. For all Tango dancers to have a pleasant experience attention to our hygiene and grooming is absolutely necessary! All recommendations below have been contributed through e-mails by women or men at tango that have met with some unpleasantries.

Copyright @ by Al Gates/TangoChicago, 2016

All rights reserved.